Dear Chantal, We wanted to write to you sooner to thank you but the thought of it brought so much heart break. Our beloved Jazz our Jack Russell was very much a huge part of our family. It came as a chock to find out that he had severe kidney disease which proved to be a lot worse than we thought. Chantal we have to say hat you guys were superb and it was all very sensitively carried out. The Urn that Jazz’s ashes came in is lovely but il was the extra touches that meant so much to us both. We sobbed when we saw the hearts, butterfly, little white posies, but most of all some of Jazz’s hair, how very thoughtful. We thank you from our Hearts. Best regards Jan Dart & Sarah Porter


Notre belle fille Jenny,

Toi qui était sauvage à ton arrivée il y a 12 ans avec tes trois chattons noirs (DJ, Jazz et Sabrina) que nous avons toujours, on est venu à bout de te faire opérer et tu as disparu par la suite. Tu es revenu en 2013 maigre et abattu mais à moitié sauvage cette fois. Tu avais toujours cette même expression faciale. Tu étais un modèle de survie.

Tu seras toujours présente dans nos cœurs Jenny Anidots.

Barbara et Daniel